BERT KIRCHNER Wertermittlung, Planung, Steuerung
BERT KIRCHNER eng> appraisal
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You have the free choice of your expertWhether your expert is an "independent", "appointed and sworn in" or "certificated" appraiser- in case of a dispute and in court the title of an expert changes nothing. If he is a consultant of a party a new expert opinion will become necessary. Then it is the court that gives the order. However, your own certificate will define the questions on which another experts must come. To what extent a certificate withstands, always depends of its quality. And it can be very different starting with an information from the Internet for 30 euros up to a certificate with an extensive market analysis. You can check an appraisal yourselfProbably the German appraisal procedures are a little different to those used somewhere else, nevertheless you,as a consumer of an appraisal, can check the credibility of the certificate yourself with the help of the following questions:
Indeed, the different worth concepts are held together by the legal definition of the market value defined in the German construction code, - however, the approaches to be taken into consideration change with the occasion. A restriction of the use, for example, " to the exclusive information of the client " within the description of the purpose excludes every protective effect for a third party, if the contents of the certificate has not been kept secret. Such a verbalization can be used, if a consultant had merely the order to evaluate the handed over data without other examinations.
Is the certificate possibly obsolete because, in the meantime, the bases have changed?
Very well liberties are existing, considering the choice of the assessment method, however, the choice has to be justified. The assertion the internationally under the appellation "discouted cash-flow analysis" (DCF) common assessment procedures would stand in contrast to WertV is wrong. The earning-capacity value procedure according to WertV is, in the end, only a variation of the DCF, from that internationally there are as well different procedures. The appraisement carried out according to the WertV guarantees the comparability within the German market. The result is neutral.
Are formulations often used such as " competently estimated", or explanations in the style of: " Single-family dwellings must be valuated according to the material-value procedure of WertV" (a procedure described there only optional), then it can be proceeded by the assumption of a limited depth of the considerations. When finally there are subjective divergences from the self-investigated comparative offers, further inquiries are necessary. An expert is a consultant Therefore the informal information of an expert can fulfil its purpose. At the end it just matters whether a price of a real estate is adequate. Are you in search of a real estate? It would be a pleasure to me to check the offers supplied to you. Because I do not arrange real estate, and I'm not associated to a broker's office as well, I insure you of an independent advice. According to your individual needs and the desired extent this is possible based on a freely negotiable fee. If you need a certificate for the sales of your real estate, or for the presentation at a bank the fee will bee calculated according to the so called "honorarium code for architects and engineers" ( HOAI §34) .
Bert Kirchner, architect, independent appraiser, Baumeisterstraße 7, 12159 Berlin registered at the chamber of architects of Berlin Nr.: 11793 |